Featured Resources
One goal of the NYZTT Network is to provide professionals with resources and information on organizations that provide services, research data, programs, etc., useful to our community.
Please let us know of other helpful resources, email us and include “resources” in the subject line.
Talking with Children About Race
For an age-by-age guide to talking to kids about racism, read this article from Mother.ly
As we all strive to keep children safe, healthy, and thriving during the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve posted some resources for dealing with COVID-19 and the specific challenges it brings.
Dealing with COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Emergency resources for families from Power of Two
Includes resources on food, shopping, childcare, housing, financial support and unemployment
Resources to support parents and their children
Recognizing, respecting, and allowing children’s healthy Emotions
Activities adults can do with children
Tips for families from Zero-to-Three
Includes age-appropriate responses to questions, a guide to self-care, and activities for children
Graphic medicine to share with children
Platform for running virtual online classes